Getting Started
Know Your Risks

Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the most common type of heart disease. It is the leading cause of death in the United States in both men and women. Determine your risk for developing CAD using this assessment tool.

Facing Up to SmokingSee All
Smoking tops the list of risk factors for heart disease. Learn more about how smoking affects your heart, and get some helpful tips to quit smoking. ...more
 Smoking and Pregnancy in Why Do You Smoke?
Don't smoke during your pregnancy and limit how much time you spend in environments where there is secondhand smoke. ...more
Why Do You Smoke?
Smoking tops the list of risk factors for heart disease. Learn more about how smoking affects your heart, and get some helpful tips to quit smoking. ...more
 Smoking and Pregnancy in Why Do You Smoke?
Don't smoke during your pregnancy and limit how much time you spend in environments where there is secondhand smoke. ...more
Planning Your Quit StrategySee All
As you likely already know, quitting smoking isn't easy. But millions of other people have done it—and you can, too. Here are some things that can help. ...more
As you likely already know, quitting smoking isn't easy. But millions of other people have done it—and you can, too. Here are some things that can help. ...more
Taking the Big StepSee All
If you can make it through this first day and this first week, when nicotine withdrawal symptoms are at their worst, you will be on your way to success. ...more
If you can make it through this first day and this first week, when nicotine withdrawal symptoms are at their worst, you will be on your way to success. ...more
Staying Smoke-FreeSee All
 How to Quit Smoking, Again in Staying Smoke-Free
Follow these suggestions to help you kick the habit, again--this time, for good....more
People sometimes gain weight when they stop smoking. But you can reduce your chances of adding extra pounds. You just need to take steps to prevent it. ...more
 How to Quit Smoking, Again in Staying Smoke-Free
Follow these suggestions to help you kick the habit, again--this time, for good....more
People sometimes gain weight when they stop smoking. But you can reduce your chances of adding extra pounds. You just need to take steps to prevent it. ...more
Teens and SmokingSee All
Read on for tips to help keep your children from smoking....more
Read on for tips to help keep your children from smoking....more
Smoking During PregnancySee All
 Smoking and Pregnancy in Smoking During Pregnancy
Don't smoke during your pregnancy and limit how much time you spend in environments where there is secondhand smoke. ...more
 Smoking and Pregnancy in Smoking During Pregnancy
Don't smoke during your pregnancy and limit how much time you spend in environments where there is secondhand smoke. ...more
Interactive ToolsSee All
 Adult BMI Calculator
Experts are increasingly urging people to know their BMI, a figure that takes into account not just weight but also height to indicate body fat....more
 Cost of Drinking Calculator
Drinking can be an expensive habit. While you may not notice a dollar here or two dollars there, consider how much you spend per week and per year on alcohol....more
 COPD Quiz
Smoking is the main cause of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a serious, debilitating and often fatal illness. Take this quiz to find out more about COPD and how to prevent it....more
 Emphysema Quiz
The main symptom of emphysema is shortness of breath, which is caused by permanent damage to the small air sacs and small airways in the lungs....more
 Adult BMI Calculator
Experts are increasingly urging people to know their BMI, a figure that takes into account not just weight but also height to indicate body fat....more
 Cost of Drinking Calculator
Drinking can be an expensive habit. While you may not notice a dollar here or two dollars there, consider how much you spend per week and per year on alcohol....more
 COPD Quiz
Smoking is the main cause of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a serious, debilitating and often fatal illness. Take this quiz to find out more about COPD and how to prevent it....more
 Emphysema Quiz
The main symptom of emphysema is shortness of breath, which is caused by permanent damage to the small air sacs and small airways in the lungs....more
Videos (34) See All
Calculators (2)
Risk Assessments (11) See All